Oct 11, 2010

Tank Girl!

It's finally October. The leaves are turning, pumpkin and apples are in everything, and my favorite holiday is quickly approaching! My costume this year?...

TANK GIRL! I've wanted to do this costume for awhile now but I always end up doing something else. I'm basing the wardrobe on the awesome comic book. The movie.. is eh. Since there are so many great outfit combos in the illustrations I decided on a combination of Tank Girl outfits rather than attempting to recreate a single one.

Here's my checklist so far:
1. Stuffed Camp Koala
2.  Earflap hat
3. googles  
4. combat boots
5. mod target shirt
6.Cross earrings
7.Tank belt buckle
8.Random Knicknacks: Rabbit's foot, bullets, patches, cigarettes, bandages, cut-off stripe socks, pins, teeth, bones, ect. (If you have any of these, feel free to contribute/donate!)

9.Rocket Bra
Now, the real challenge is going to be making the rocket bra. I've got a couple of ideas in mind, lets see what comes of it. Suggestions from friends for materials include: quaker oats containers, pvc tubes, papier mache. I also found a rocket bra online that was sewn and stuffed, kinda like rocket pillows but meant to be worn over the bust. Although it would be rad, I'd rather spare myself the trouble of attempting to make a pattern to achieve that so I think I'm taking the solid route and going for the quaker oats containers. I'll post the results!

Here are some well-done tankys i found via google searches on the interwebs:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

did you do an update? this sounds great!

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