I have a new obssesion and its called instructables.com
I stumbled upon this website looking for ideas for the Fake it section of Jerk Magazine. Before i knew it I had gone through more than 100 projects and couldnt stop hitting next. I now have a bookmark folder just to keep up with all the ones i want to do. The website features a tons of how-to videos on just about anything you can imagine. They have everything from mood lamps to robot head costumes and in celebration of october festivities they currently have a whole forum on halloween ideas:costumes, makeup and random knicknacks.
So if your into making a GEICO caveman costume, faking bullet wounds or just learning how to make a teeth mold for your halloween costume, this website is a must-see. And if you think youve got better ideas than anything on here, then enter their halloween contest and win yourself one of those 68 prizes that total over $6,000. Threadless and Etsy are in on it too.
Heres some of my favorite projects:
Note Holder: made out of CDs